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The fuckiest you too

June  2015

Finally tracked down my #25 red filter to redo the photos from the earlier post. Now I remember why I misplaced it on purpose- not at all fond of the way it renders skies and shadows. But there really is no substitute for carving reds out of a middle-gray background on panchromatic B&W film.

I had this 4-up in mind, so I pushed the unfiltered shots to try to match the contrast. And the way the land and tree lines  worked out across the margins is great. But the real point of the excursion was to try riding my offroad bike while wearing my 5×7 pack and tripod. My bike did not throw me, but that’s not exactly a recommendation. I didn’t know my bike was even capable of such language. I’m still blushing. I will have to get a trailer, or a longtail cargo bike before I every try carrying LF gear by bike again.