I sometimes wonder about my affinity for this little development. Most likely it’s just based on familiarity and convenience, as it’s been a great local place to stroll since it was a densely wooded mini-wilderness with a network of polished clay paths. In the past several years it’s been cleared, graded and parceled into a dozen or so secluded 1/2 acre lots. The majority of trees are still standing. Power, water and phone available. But the lots aren’t selling.
I have run into the developer a few times now. He is often out here doing upkeep and general maintenance- usually just trying to keep the scotch broom, thistle and red alder from taking over. Basic yardwork, albeit on a larger scale. Things grow fast here, and it’s wet, and the cycles insist.
The developer is friendly and generous, happy to let me wander around with my camera. Today, he gave the dogs a piece of elk jerky and some welcome attention (they get bored with me taking so long to frame a picture). I felt an obligation not to portray his excavator as some beast on a search and destroy mission. Despite my intentions it does look predatory. Of course, it’s such an easy, superficial drama- which makes the picture seem even more indiscreet.
Regardless. I like the picture, and I like the series of these Speculation Road pictures, even if I’m a little uncomfortable with this series now that I know the principles. If I’m not clear what my intent is- of exactly what sort of gnomic morality I’m developing in this narrative of lesser stills- like most habits, it is adaptable. While I doubt the unbridled convenience of a picture could ever impact it’s meaning, there is also a convenient ambiguity in both metaphor and intent. This is selfish, obviously, but being able to protect myself from the possible banality of the work I do and the life I live is a gift, and a gift that must keep giving.
The tallest things on Ediz Hook, in industrial pantomime. No tension expressed or implied. Any relief from the pavement will do.
The basic processes of wayfinding involves four stages: Orientation, Route Decision, Route Monitoring, and Destination Recognition.