Offseason, South Beach, December 2010
Not wanting to seem overtly adrift from family and friends we’re having a small gathering to the house today. I’ve been so involved in work and my projects that it’s stressful to be torn away, even to direct kin on earmarked occasions, so we are having them come here. It’s nice because I haven’t cooked for a crowd in ages, and I’m taking a nostalgic holiday tour of my sous chef days. Like most self trained chefs I’m a control freak, so this is best tempered with some small-batch whiskey in discreet doses, and having enough stuff to do piled up so I just don’t have the time to get truly hostile, hehe. Best not confined to the kitchen either, so I’m still packaging prints and making materials for some new edition work, not to mention last minute gifts for the late guests.
And so the holidays start to feel slightly natural, orderly and docile. After the uncontrollable events events leading up to the holidays, my Christmas present to myself is the illusion that today will be relaxing.