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Month: January 2011

WA withdrawls

Lake Crescent, January 2011

I’ve been trying to simplify somewhat,  just a 4×5 and a 135mm xenar and many many holders to find footing with. 135mm is sort of wide on 4×5, but nothing like a 150mm on 5×12. I find the instinct to stumble backwards to include more elements uncomfortably strong,  but it’s getting easier to find dissecting planes and give them full attention than with the banquet formats. Selective focus being  a sort of crutch through the initial missteps.

Back the way you came

Sunday walk, Joyce, January 2011

It seems worth exploring obvious changes to mark the new year. I’ve been shooting pano formats almost exclusively for 4 or 5 years, and desperately need some new spaces to fill.

This way to the egress

Boundary Creep, Port Crescent

When I’ve been lingering too long at the exhibits, even the vegetation seems to start  pointing towards the exits.