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Wasted on me

Clallam Bay, October 2007

This still needs work, but it’s marginally better than the runaway crap of the overexposed, pyro streaked flarey negative I came away with. Right now I like the overblown drama of it because I rarely treat myself to such Wagnerian moods, but I’ll most likely tone it down in future versions. For now I’m enjoying the sky immensely, the converging wedges of the river and Bay and gravel bar fading into the slope of the Seiku headlands and the pale tendrils of the twilight storm…As long as I don’t look too closely at the trees…

What to do with those trees though. The pathetic wind-beaten tide-stunted spruces on the gravel bar. I have really failed them and they really were what I was after, what drew me to the scene primarily. When I was there they looked so defeated that they each seem to be leaning on the one in front, a cascading slump that really looked magnificently wasted in the gathering storm. An elegant if irrequisite surrender with still the whole night and indeed the whole winter ahead. Alas, here they just…clump.

Ah well. Overcompensate and hope for the best.